Below you will find selected examples of our work from recent years, so as to provide you with a more detailed idea of our focus of work and breadth of activities.

LBMS (2024), ECB guide to internal models: Credit risk – use of data, LBMS Brainfood on the revised ECB guide to internal models, released in February 2024, from which we focus on selected aspects of the use of data in a credit risk context.

LBMS (2022), Financial Stability Board Recommendations for Supervisory and Regulatory Approaches to Climate-related Risks, LBMS Brainfood on the FSB Final report from 13 October 2022.

LBMS (2022), Capturing and measuring climate-related risks: Status and best practice at financial institutions, LBMS Brainfood on the NGFS Technical document Capturing risk differentials from climate-related risks from May 2022.

LBMS (2021), Building the Bridge from Climate Risk to Stress Testing from an Economic, a Supervisory, and a Technical Perspective, Conceptual Considerations.

LBMS / ReistosGlobal (2019), The MACROPILOT: An Advanced Macroeconomic Stress Testing and Scenario Analysis Tool for Risk Management and Strategic Decision Making Purposes.

LBMS (2017), Developing an Advanced Macroeconomic Stress Testing and Scenario Analysis Tool, first-round analyses, work in cooperation with the University of Vienna.

LBMS (2017)The Truth Beneath International Deglobalisation Trends in Banking, LBMS Brainfood on the BIS Working Paper Financial deglobalisation in banking? from June 2017.

Christian Keuschnigg and Michael Kogler (2016), Finanzplatz Österreich – Eine Strategie für Wachstum und Stabilität, Study by Wirtschaftspolitisches Zentrum and Universität St. Gallen commissioned by a consortium of Austrian financial market participants, with research material contributions from LBMS.

LBMS (2016), Vermögensverteilung und Veranlagungskategorien im Euroraum, LBMS Fact Sheet. (Zum Überblicks-Video)

LBMS (2015)KMU und Startups brauchen Kapital – aber welches?, LBMS Brainfood.

LBMS (2014), RSB / ERB Salzburg – Bayern – Oberösterreich: Erarbeitung eines Förder- und Finanzierungsquellenkonzepts für ein länderübregreifendes Schieneninfrastruktrprojekt, eine Untersuchung von LBMS im Auftrag des Vereins zur Förderung der REGIONAL STADT BAHN Salzburg – Bayern – Oberösterreich.

LBMS (2014)Die neuen Vorschriften zur Bankensanierung und Bankenabwicklung in Europa, LBMS Fact Sheet.

LBMS (2013), LBMS Bulletin – Das Executive Briefing für Entscheidungsträger und Finanzmarktinteressierte.

Bernhard Felderer, Luise Breinlinger and Ines Fortin (2012)The Liquidity Coverage Ratio and Potential Implications for (Small) Business Financing in an Austrian Context, eine Studie von IHS und LBMS im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft, Familie und Jugend, des Bundesministeriums für Finanzen und der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich.

Bernhard Felderer, Luise Breinlinger and Ines Fortin (2011)SME-targeted Implementation of Basel III, eine Studie von IHS und LBMS im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft, Familie und Jugend und der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich.

Luise Breinlinger and Engelbert J. Dockner (2011)Alternative Default Definitions and the Structure of Credit Spreads, Working Paper, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business.

Luise Breinlinger (2011), Basel III und Ratings, CFO aktuell, 2/2011, Linde Verlag, pp. 51-53.

Luise Breinlinger (2010), Basel III – Auswirkungen auf Österreichs Wirtschaft (Zusammenfassung der IHS-Studie zu Basel III), cooperativ, Die Gewerbliche Genossenschaft, 6/2010, S. 6-9.

Johannes Berger, Luise Breinlinger, Edith Skriner, Ludwig Strohner and Klaus Weyerstraß – coordinated by Univ. Prof. Dr. Bernhard Felderer (2010), Potential Implications of “Basel III” on Credit Volumes and Economic Development in Austria, a study undertaken by the Institute for Advanced Studies. (in German)


Luise Breinlinger and Ines Fortin (2009), Structured Credit Products and the 2007 Financial Crisis, Economic Policy Papers, No 3, pp. 305-320.

Luise Breinlinger (2009), Risk Quantification and Rating Assessment of Structured Credit Products, Working Paper.

Bernhard Felderer, Karin Schönpflug, Ulrich Schuh – Institute for Advanced Studies (2008), Lisbon Strategy post 2010: Post Lisbon, text contributions from Luise Breinlinger, Michaela Gstrein, Karin Schönpflug, Martin Unger and Angela Wroblewski, in: The Future of EU Economic Policy, contributions to the discussion process Lisbon post 2010, Austrian Federal Ministry of Economy and Labour (ed.), pp. 59-90.

Luise Breinlinger, Evgenia Glogova and Andreas Höger (2003), Calibration of Rating Systems – A First Analysis, Financial Stability Report 5, Austrian Central Bank, pp. 80-92.

Luise Breinlinger and Evgenia Glogova (2002), Determinants of Initial Public Offerings: A European Time-Series Cross-Section Analysis, Financial Stability Report 3, Austrian Central Bank, pp. 97-118.

Luise Breinlinger, Bernhard Felderer, Christian Helmenstein and Christine Zulehner (1997), Future Prospects for the Austrian Industry, a study by the Institute for Advanced Studies commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy. (in German)